Common creatures

Showing all released common creatures.


#037 Lesser Cagespider

Named after the bony appendages they use to trap live prey with on their back, the lesser cagespider is a terrifying sight to behold. Unl...


#090 Ekkast

The ekkast is a vicious creature that moves on eight legs but can slither through loose ground like a snake, and often feasts on large ma...


#073 Pinbin Snake

Pinbin snakes are totally harmless, almost-friendly creatures. They eat grass, lick rocks for fun, and rarely grow more than a foot long....


#065 Aetyl Squid

Aetyl squids swim through sand like their aquatic cousins do through water. They survive off a primarily-meat diet that are captured eith...


#126 Fexodo

Fexodos are small, furry animals that somewhat resemble a cross between a bat and a mouse. They live in herds of around fifteen and need ...


#116 Nitenel

Nitenel are large, gentle creatures when domesticated. They have four heads, six folding wings, and a long, whip-like tail. They have no ...


#020 Starbug

Fully-grown starbugs make up the majority of visible lights in the night sky with their planet-sized bodies, but baby starbugs hatch and ...


#014 Yogido

Yogidos are eastern mammoth-goat hybrids that can grow to extreme sizes. It's not uncommon for a town to collectively adopt a Yogido, whi...


#070 Cycti

Cycti are an artificial race created by infusing gorilla DNA in a spliced cactus-bramble plant that evolved sentience and intelligence on...


#060 Brugnul

Brugnuls are microscopic parasites that can be found in most environments. They are commonly found in the bodies of other creatures, but ...


#045 Egalomo

Schools of cloud-sized egalomos float high in the sky, always in search of their next meal. To attack their prey, they swoop down from th...


#093 M'li

M'li are electrically-charged, gelatinous airfish closely related to the ancient jellyfish of oceans. Fleets of m'li are often cared for ...


#085 Worgrad

Worgrads are small desert-dwelling creatures that subsist on a diet of insects, light rays, and gusts of desert wind. They are very small...


#010 Vruntyk

Vruntyks are an ancient race of reptile that lived underground in caves for millennia before emerging and finding refuge in deserts and m...


#089 Vieflhuse

Vieflhusen are skymantas that frequently dip below the clouds in search of food, fun, and friends. Although their eyesight is terrible, t...


#056 Bertuisk

Bertuisks are large airfish that live above the clouds in large schools. Although they largely stay out of sight and move from area to ar...


#068 Werespirit

These poor souls thought death would be a sweet release from their lcyanthropic curse. Instead, werespirits go into a ghostly rage every ...


#053 Electrofly

Electroflies are gaseous clusters of friendly, intelligent sublife that often physically get caught in airwave currents or magnetic field...


#034 Mrohl

Mrohls live in enchanted forests where they eat magic berries and hallucinogenic plants. As such, their reactions to adventurers are as p...


#050 Mahaman

Mahaman that are humanoid birds that exist partially outside of time, which manifests visually with the eponymously-named phenomenon maha...


#057 Eowiz

At some point, a cat wandered somewhere it shouldn't and was forever changed with an infusion of magical energy. That cat's offspring wer...


#003 Scrut

Scruts live in the deep north, where they burrow long distances through snow and dirt in search of their next meal. They secrete a natura...


#134 Brokkind

Brokkinds are a species of intelligent monkey with silver wings that lives in trees in the tropics, mostly in the jungles of the world. T...


#049 Emollo

Emollo are a race of intelligent grub-like creatures that evolved arms and legs while living in gigantic, underground cities. They stand ...


#122 Cerdathif

Cerdathifs are a colorful variant of cerdath that typically live near the base of tall mountains. They make nests with collections of han...


#077 Fring

Frings are a species with the ability to change their size at will. Permanent aspects of their society like their homes and businesses ar...


#054 Uulu'd

Uuludes exist in the dimensional plane that we only ever experience through nightmares, and therefore they live in a constant state of ch...


#009 Rappariffian

Rappariffians have never had a confirmed sighting, but cultures throughout history have always told stories of some form of them, albeit ...


#038 Gyrom

Gyroms are genetically-engineered giraffe variants that not only have significantly more fat and muscle, but also produce a thin protein ...


#051 Akaru

Akaru are a small, domesticated breed of dragons originally popularized by farmers in the east. Fully grown, most akarun won't even reach...


#080 Elphin

Elphins largely inhabit marshy enchanted forests (usually those with a larger body of water within them), although they have also sometim...


#043 Volcrano

Every volcano has at least one volcrano maintaining it. They do their best to keep out of sight but volcranos are bulky and slow. Volcano...


#148 Dacagoth

Dacagoths are small, fluffy mushroom-like creatures that live in grottos and caves. They are about the size of a human thumb and are typi...


#004 Avahi

Not much is known about where avahis originated, but they migrate in large packs extremely quickly, typically along water-adjacent routes...


#061 Dirb

Dirbs are flightless birds that wander fields looking for seeds and other small scraps of food. Their legs are incredibly thin and often ...


#095 Scotty

Believe it or not, scotties are actually descendants of dinosaurs! Scientists discovered a fourth classification of dinosaur, subterranea...


#064 Ytrail

Ytrail are large snail-like creatures found in frozen areas. Their shell is an immaculate conductor of heat, which keeps their body warm ...


#025 Baibi

This small monkey navigates long distances by utilizing the bug-like wings on its back and can commonly be seen flying from forest to for...


#092 Arochngiap

Arochngiaps are sentient, blind masses of undeveloped meat found deep underground and in caves. They move slowly and grow random limbs, w...


#091 Mouma

Mouma often live among jellyfish herds, but are more closely related to goldfish. Their bright, red coloring is a deterrent to most aquat...


#008 Zoupir

Zoupir are small, insect-like pigs that travel underground, in packs. They feed primarily off dirt and roots, sucking nutrients from crop...


#111 Quernug

The quernug is a strange creature that resembles a sheep. They stand about 2ft tall and are covered in purple, matted wool, have a frog-l...


#088 Fustonin

Fustonins are small, blue birds that live near active volcanoes. They are extremely light and can fly at speeds of up to 300 mph. They ha...


#129 Axytun

Axytuns are a small species of landfish native to the rolling fields of the east. Although axytuns are naturally pitch black, albinism is...


#147 Herling

The herling is a small bird about the size of a housecat. They are mostly harmless, but are often pests because of their tendency to stea...


#136 Bruvnur

Bruvnurs are large, black-and-white mammals that have demonstrated a high level of intelligence and inter-species communication. They are...


#124 Jotam

Jotams are small, furry creatures that resemble a cross between a squirrel and a large mouse. They have large ears and a long, boney tail...


#121 Etorgidur

Etorgidurs are some of the largest creatures in the world, reaching heights of up to 100,000 feet. They are very closely related to the f...


#140 Fydern

The fydern is a green creature roughly the size of a human fingernail. It has twelve short legs and two wiggling antennae, which it uses ...


#113 Vune Ballow

Small vune ballow dragons are commonly found throughout the world. They are covered in beautifully prismatic scales and are able to fly s...


#047 Aledharo

Aledharen are slimy, blind creatures that wander deserts in search of warm rocks to lie on, where they'll typically sunbathe for weeks at...


#013 Emerid

Emerids are social, friendly birds that travel long distances through deserts, trying to make friends with lonely travelers and larger an...


#117 Gomligu

The gomligu is an large creature that resembles a rabbit, but with a long tail and thick, grey patches of rubbery skin. The gomligu is a ...


#119 Ossl

Ossles are small creatures that are found in warmer tundras. They are about the size of a small cat and resemble a cross between a tortoi...


#133 Reeborra

Reeborras are large, herbivorous creatures native to the planet of the same name. They are closely related to the earth sloth and are oft...


#104 Ayri

Ayris are large, green worms that live near shallow waters. They can grow to be up to ten feet long and weigh up to four hundred pounds. ...


#048 Dolli Buea

Dolli Buea are large creatures that inhabit the arboral wetlands. While they are generally large in size, they seem to be able to freely ...


#066 Stonemaker

Stonemakers inhabit deserts, fields, and mountains. They feed largely off rock and stone, always migrating to find new flavors and consis...


#017 Dust Angel

The dust angel is a common critter in arable desert areas. Nutrients from their saliva propagates through plants into the soil, improving...


#141 Wartbug

The large wartbug is native to warmer forests on southern coasts, but has slowly spread throughout the continents over the years. They ar...


#211 Dromlek

Dromleks are intelligent, flightless birds that originate from a far-off galaxy where gravitational directionality frequently changes, an...


#154 Sizzten muette

The ancient sizzten muette has been a staple of oasis and river life for longer than most other species, acting largely as a peacekeeper ...


#201 Jigbat

Jigbats are large insects that resemble blue bats. They can be found throughout the world's forests and feed on insects, small birds, and...


#243 Banabat

Banabats are small, flying creatures of the night best known for their bright yellow coloring and unique reproduction cycle. Banabats are...


#228 Agriot

Agriots are long, thin beetles with bright orange wings. They are primarily nocturnal, and spend their days sleeping in the hot desert sa...


#248 Yawelt

Yawelts are small reptiles that live in hot, dry deserts. They are extremely fast and use this speed to escape from predators. When a yaw...


#250 Parloi

Parlois are large, herbivorous reptiles without a face that spend most of their time in the water. They are easygoing, almost to a fault....


#145 Starsquid

Starsquid are the only known creatures that live in the upper exosphere. They are translucent floating jellyfish that hunt on moonless ni...


#200 Norpin

Norpins are small, fluffy creatures that resemble a cross between a squirrel and a mouse. They have short, spindly legs and a long, windy...


#202 Fethid

Fethids are a species of large, fish-like creatures that live in the ocean. They are about two feet long and weigh about two hundred poun...


#230 Pinlup

The humble pinlup is a delightful breed of small animal common in wild areas near human settlements. It's a popular activity for parents ...


#221 Gormilgrimimrsa

Gormilgrimimrsa are tall, green, and lean creatures that live in the forest. They are extremely agile and can run for half a day on pure ...


#188 Crysion

Crysions exhibit an interesting physical phenomenon not entirely understood yet by scientists: the refraction of their scales reflects li...


#155 Gebloon

The gebloons are a race of intelligent beings that resemble orange blobs with a face. They are about 3 feet tall and have four arms and t...


#146 Forsydifs

Forsydifs are a variant of ant that has evolved to live on the backs of humanoids, from whom they eat dead skin cells. They spend most of...


#149 Softwalker

Softwalkers are a very strange and exotic beast that lives in the tundras of the world, connected to a specific species of plant in a sym...


#208 Marvenken

Marvenkens are sea creatures that prey specifically on sailors and passengers to small- to medium-sized boats. Although they typically dw...


#150 Toomel

Toomels are small worm-like creatures that live just below the surface of the earth. They enjoy tunneling through the ground but prefer t...


#223 Flignog

Flignogs are small, furred creatures that can usually be found in trees, grasslands, and caves. They often band together in small tribes,...


#195 Blatheraxe

Blatheraxes are shapeshifting eels that live in the deepest depths of the ocean. They are able to stretch physical appendages from their ...


#203 Hakaji

Hakaji are small, dimorphic reptilian creatures with a bug-like head and legs. Hakaji bodies are extremely light, allowing them to briefl...


#215 Zemyl

The zemyl is a small and brightly colored mammal that lives in mountain ranges. It has a penchant for collecting rocks, prefers to eat a ...


#280 Kora

The kora are an aquatic species of intelligent coral common in warmer ocean climates that have historically been an enabler of oceanic hu...


#272 Gwievft

Gwievft are large, aquatic eels that are typically found in underwater mycelium caverns, although they sometimes explore more open waters...


#212 Steevlen

The steevlen is an adorable creature that lives in the forests of the world. They are small, round lion-like creatures (usually about thr...


#244 Angelsilk

The angelsilk jellyfish floats through the air on a cloth-like fabric made of the protein chains they produce for skin. Angelsilk are als...


#283 Dukrok

Dukroks are desert-dwelling birds that come in brown, black, and grey variants. They have long, thin legs and use their beaks like pickax...


#240 Bargrim

The bargrim is a small, nocturnal creature which is native to the forests of the world. It may look like an ordinary butterfly when it is...


#219 Flailx

Flailx are oddball "fish" that photosynthesize their oxygen from the sun, severely limiting the nautical areas they may call home. Howeve...


#163 Elfog

Elfogs largely go unnoticed, as they are composed of aether and are only visible with special goggles. They are particularly fond of flow...


#165 Shaleel

The shaleel is a large, multi-colored reptile that inhabits the swamps and wetlands of Oorzh. Being mostly aquatic, the shaleel usually o...


#166 Zaigarch

Zaigarchs are translucent jellyfish-like creatures that live in the magma chambers of their planet. They have bioluminescent organs that ...


#182 Artik-un

Artik-un are hoofed creatures domesticated for their speed, strength, and intelligence. Artik-un have an excellent sense of balance and c...


#173 Alu'fiku

Alu'fiku are reef-dwelling fish most notable for their false "dorsal eye", which remains open while they sleep to help deter smaller pred...


#174 Sanguaven

The night ravens with luminous, blood-red eyes in the south are colloquially known as sanguavens, although they've had many names through...


#175 Nemmen

Nemmen are small, purple fish that frequent reefy areas and the deep sea, but are also commonly caught to resell as consumer pets. They a...


#185 Vuewex

Vuewex are a parasitic skin mite that measure a little under 1 nanometer in width and height. These small critters passively absorb kinet...


#235 Worgant

Worgants are a species of small were-ants that live in packs in the northern forests. They have a symbiotic relationship with the betzkra...


#213 Midenikó

Midenikó are an ancient race of extradimensional shadow creatures that are capable of tunneling through time, space, and æther. Because t...


#227 Ganturp

Ganturps are a species of relatively large insect found in forests throughout the world. They are brightly-colored and use their wings to...


#178 Xi'gind

The xi'gind is an unintelligent creature that shares more DNA with terrestrial flora than fauna. A single xi bulb, given the proper care ...


#315 Tableu

Tableu are artificial, lab-designed mammal-likes that were designed for domestication into dense populace housing. Tableu are known for t...


#260 Bulthoid

Bulthoids are rare creatures that live in almost every environment. Despite their strange appearance, bulthoids are actually a very intel...


#255 Squirmpod

Squirmpods are large, plant-like life forms often found in or around the greater rainforest regions. They are about the size of a small h...


#282 Barrok

Barrok demons are found near the ruins of ancient temples. They are mischievous creatures that use their powerful legs to jump incredible...


#304 Yahak

Yahaks are small and brightly colored birds. They have hearts that beat very rapidly and are able to fly extremely quickly, though someti...


#265 Trogurp

Trogurps are small, brightly-colored insects that are typically found in the forests of the world. They eat leaves and other plant matter...


#310 Buuzkut

Buuzkuts are a species of small animal that looks a lot like a beetle, but are actually part of the Lepidoptera order. They have large ey...


#307 Kubup

Kubups are brightly-colored arboreal creatures that can jump up to 100 feet high. They are an important part of forest ecosystems, as the...


#306 Gruntmrub

Gruntmrubs are small, furry, tree-dwelling creatures that are often mistaken for squirrels or frogs. They live in clans of several dozen,...


#263 Vindsmen

After the devastating CK-295 meteor impact, what little life survived on planet P-192-856B had to radically evolve in order to survive th...


#266 Zajg

Zajg (spelled zayg in some locales) are a faceless fish common in warm reefs. These large trawlers use a version of echolocation that pro...


#269 Oceanstar

The oceanstar is a common salt-water marine mollusk. Oceanstars got their name from sailors who could just barely make out twinkling ligh...


#275 Foyud

Foyud are small insects that look like perched butterflies. However, foyuds are actually more closely related to arachnids that wear "win...


#288 Korod

A korod is a large, pale yellow bug with two large eyes and two long antennae. It has a single long leg on the underside of its body and ...


#293 Qaral

The qaral is a species of small tree rodent that originated from the forests of the planet Kan. They are about the size of a peanut and l...


#314 Ghiana

Ghiana are a distant aquatic relative to ancient starfish that pump electricity through their veins and filter water into liquid carbon, ...


#316 Domestic Szon

For centuries, the nation-state of Szo have primarily fed their people with domestic szon and, in turn, fed their szon with their recentl...


#326 Kawa-tri

Kawa-tri are bulbous, tree-like creatures that live in forests. They thrive in the shade of other trees and grow much faster when they ar...


#323 Aboccaria

Aboccarias are shapeshifting, sentient blobs that can be found on water-covered worlds. They are about the size of a small house and eat ...


#328 Stregadurc

A stregadurc is a small creature that resembles a goblin. They are often found in suburban areas and feed on trash and other items that h...


#333 Gremalf

The gremalf can be found in large herds in forests, hills, and mountains. Gremalves are large, cloven-hoofed animals that are kept by man...


#339 Karkat

Karkats are medium-sized creatures that spend most of their time on the ocean floor, though they will occasionally come to the surface fo...


#332 Miliorker

Miliorkers are small, flying creatures that live in extremely large groups and reproduce quickly. They are very social and will often sha...


#351 Volly

Volly are sturdy, four-legged mammals that live on lush mountaintops, peacefully grazing on grass, flowers, and small mushrooms. Centurie...


#349 Flayansk

The flayansk originates in the far north, in the freezing highlands of Cotsk. Flayansk vary wildly in size throughout their life, growing...


#352 Glimmerwisp

Glimmerwisps are small, fairy-like creatures with translucent, glowing wings. They have delicate, elongated features and shimmer in a var...


#358 Mollang

Mollang are small marsupials often found throughout wetlands and jungles. They live long lives despite the poisonous fungus that commonly...


#359 Nadraghb

The nadraghb are extradimensional beings that physically resemble earthly raccoons in appearance, but that's where their similarities to ...


#364 Broque

Broque are small, bipedal amphibians best known for their sad demeanor, deep blue skin, and their ability to camouflage into their surrou...


#300 Orimpa

Orimpas are small and fluffy creatures that resemble a cross between a squirrel and a small cat. They have large ears and a long, bushy t...


#167 Telusiv

The telusiv is a predatory creature that often lives in the desert, but has been spotted in many other environments. Telusivs have a long...


#296 Jaxilith

Jaxilives are large shapeshifters that appear as a swarm of blue flies when dormant. When a jaxilith is threatened, it will transform int...


#252 Vifbort

Vifborts are a species of large, seemingly-immortal worms that live deep underground. Their skin is extremely sensitive and can feel vibr...


#259 Gghun'vur

Gghun'vur are small insects with 13 legs that live in the coldest frozen tundras in the world. Their internal body temperature is very cl...


#279 Musrusqua

Musrusquas are small, intelligent mammals slightly resembling molerats who live in and under forests. Musrusqua skin is made of a durable...


#345 Phang'ul

The feline-like phang'ul are a solitary, nomadic race that roams the lands in search of prey. They are known for their sleek, muscular bu...


#354 Loqui

Loqui are a small species of upright, bipedal reptiles that are best known for long-distance marches across flatlands like meadows, deser...


#361 Aparilla

Aparilla are small, translucent invertebrates from the sea, best known for the soft glow they emit on dark nights. Although they are quit...


#183 Portal Jian

Portal jians are large, immobile creatures that grow in cultivated farmlands and exhibit a physical mystery still unexplained by science:...


#096 Cerasuc

Cerasucs are large, furry mammals that live in deep caves and are often found in groups of 10 or more. They have a black coat and antlers...


#378 Teshi Nurturi

The Teshi Nurturi are strange creatures that look like eggs but contain a thriving colony of pseudo bacteria. This colony is semi-sentien...