Dangerous creatures

Showing creatures voted dangerous by users.


#030 Urryn-ast

Urryn-ast are always on the hunt for humans on the verge of death and will track their prey for days at a time. They consume deceased bod...


#033 Crefih

The Crefih is an intelligent and tricky creature that attracts prey by reforming a tentacle-like appendage into the shape of a vulnerable...


#037 Lesser Cagespider

Named after the bony appendages they use to trap live prey with on their back, the lesser cagespider is a terrifying sight to behold. Unl...


#281 Mazurath

The mazurath are a class of giant serpentine creatures that have lived in the deep recesses of the ocean for millennia, if not longer. Ma...


#368 Avar shlin

The feared avar shlin is an intrusive pest originating from radioactive swamps and dark forests. This long wriggler is best known for the...


#358 Mollang

Mollang are small marsupials often found throughout wetlands and jungles. They live long lives despite the poisonous fungus that commonly...


#350 Ddeinn

The ddeinn roams swamps and lava fields looking for fresh meat in an endless pursuit of food. Although ddeinns are strict carnivores, the...


#371 Tangleweaver

If you find this strange egg nestled in leaves in the darkest part of the forest, do not touch it. Run as far and as fast as you can. Tho...


#342 Jungle Wraith

The jungle wraith is a rare and elusive creature that is rarely seen by humans. It has a slender and ghostly appearance, with translucent...


#062 The Acolyte

Not much is known about the acolyte, including whether it's one creature or many. However, many travelers have reported that they've witn...


#046 Camp Spirit

Camp spirits only appear in cases where a human body has been burned alive and left alone. It's unclear how they form, but scientists hav...


#069 Seullen

Seullen are large, humanoid predators that contort their bodies into the optical illusion of a large bird to lure in and pick a fight wit...


#026 Oroch

Orochs are more closely related to an octopus or squid than any known spider species, yet are commonly mistaken for spiders. Luckily, the...


#082 SLP-001

SLP-001 is the codename for the first viable new species designed at the [redacted] facility in [redacted], Virginia. Copies of SLP-001 h...


#256 Ifrit Wyrm

The fabled ifrit wyrm is a colossal demon sandworm that makes its home underneath large deserts. Its immense body temperature superheats ...


#325 Rakiviz

The rakiviz is a large bird about the size of a human. They are covered in a thick layer of white feathers and have two muscular legs, ea...


#343 Qualya

The first record of the gargantuan qualya was recorded by scientists on a digging expedition nearly a century ago, where they reported in...


#365 Pin-yoch

Pin-yoch are microscopic organisms that manifest and control hordes of large, humanoid spirits that can leap up to 100 feet in the air. P...


#297 Kensix

Kensixes are large, nocturnal reptiles that live in the desert. They are about the size of a car, and have a thick exoshell of chitin whi...


#240 Bargrim

The bargrim is a small, nocturnal creature which is native to the forests of the world. It may look like an ordinary butterfly when it is...


#232 Adyx

Adyx are extraterrestrial beings from an unknown galaxy in another dimension. Adyx are most notable for two things: one, the black hole w...


#373 Dounreleon

The dounreleon is a large multi-legged animal similar to that of a mule, with a chameleon like ability to change its coloration depending...


#127 Joprao

The joprao is a flying, amphibious creature which grows to be about four meters in length. It makes its nest in the long grasses of the s...


#098 Amber

Ambers are the bane of a sailor's life and have driven many towns inland, away from the waters. After emerging from most sandy shorelines...


#076 Hifinginn

Although the celestial cataclysm was a great catastrophe, it did introduce us to the Hifinginn and their universes—and consequently pushe...


#052 D'Geft

D'geft are stone elementals that pass freely through mountains and stone, living solitary lives. Catching a d'geft binds his will to your...


#045 Egalomo

Schools of cloud-sized egalomos float high in the sky, always in search of their next meal. To attack their prey, they swoop down from th...


#032 Frestnoch

Frestnoches evolved a thick fur across their abdomen to keep them warm in the harsh northern climates and have a varying amount of large,...


#022 Xianc'onent

Since the beginning of storytelling, sailors have told stories of horrible terrors hiding at the bottom of the oceans. These xianc'onents...


#012 Val'anur

The val'anur is a monstrous beast of the tundra. What it lacks in speed it makes up for in determination and force. Val'anurs never sleep...


#009 Rappariffian

Rappariffians have never had a confirmed sighting, but cultures throughout history have always told stories of some form of them, albeit ...


#179 Zath'og

Zath'ogs are a small, muscular species of warm-blooded reptile. Their skin is a dark green and rough, with microscopic scales all over th...


#028 Ala Dimio

Ala dimios (commonly also referred to as just "alas") are descendents of ancient, magical dragons. While they lack the magical prowess of...


#006 Dune Beetle

Dune beetles are the speedsters of the desert. You wouldn't expect it given their colossal size, but these severely-overgrown bugs can re...


#270 Whisper

Whisper bulbs (also affectionally known as "screamers" in windier locales) are sentient plant-animal hybrids that eventually emerge from ...


#335 Gleetaus

Gleetauses are large beasts with spiked tails and a body covered in soft, fluffy fur. They are very fast and will often chase down small ...


#294 Qing'chi

Legends of the old qing'chi depict them as peaceful, fast, and incredibly intelligent. Although they were physically disproportioned by m...


#101 Dhagarem

Dhagarems are a common species of invisible beast that can be found across the world, but most commonly in unsettled areas. They are most...


#374 Panileaf

A rare incubating leaf. When hatched, it's roots suck up all the nutrients in the soil and destroys the plants around it. These plants ha...


#344 Gavo

Gavo are small, porcupine-like creatures from outer space. Their quills perpetually burn red-hot, which protects them from almost every p...


#286 Zuggar

Zuggars are enormous, tentacled abominations from an unknown origin. Zuggars survive by scooping up giant mountains and slowly digesting ...


#278 Arang'raco

The arang'raco is a large lizard native to the deepest jungles. They are known for their vibrant and colorful scales and the immense shar...


#197 Glandrac

Glandracs are living piles of desert trash. They are the avatars of the world’s most disgusting souls, who have been reborn as living gar...


#255 Squirmpod

Squirmpods are large, plant-like life forms often found in or around the greater rainforest regions. They are about the size of a small h...


#257 Volagena

Volagenas are a species of squid-like creatures that are also extremely large. They are carnivorous and exist as top-level predators in t...


#247 Rhaizel

The rhaizel is a quadrupedal creature with a long, spindly body. It has two sets of arms, one of which is normal in size and the other of...


#292 Volkan

The volkan is a massive creature, about the size of a buffalo, but with four legs and a tail. It is covered in thick black fur and has a ...


#039 Gundir

Gundirs are feared beasts of the furthest reachest north. They move quickly and quietly, using the pelts of their prey both to stay warm ...


#231 Ephflynne

Ephflynnes are enormous creatures that swim through the air at speeds of up to one thousand miles per hour. They're completely translucen...


#215 Zemyl

The zemyl is a small and brightly colored mammal that lives in mountain ranges. It has a penchant for collecting rocks, prefers to eat a ...


#141 Wartbug

The large wartbug is native to warmer forests on southern coasts, but has slowly spread throughout the continents over the years. They ar...


#148 Dacagoth

Dacagoths are small, fluffy mushroom-like creatures that live in grottos and caves. They are about the size of a human thumb and are typi...


#228 Agriot

Agriots are long, thin beetles with bright orange wings. They are primarily nocturnal, and spend their days sleeping in the hot desert sa...


#152 Poxip

Poxips wander the deserts of the world during their remarkably-short lifetime for a creature of their size. They are covered in fluffy ha...


#341 Karystel

Karystels are noted for their beauty, grace, and quickness. Their long, lithe bodies move like eels, and they have scales in shades of ir...


#316 Domestic Szon

For centuries, the nation-state of Szo have primarily fed their people with domestic szon and, in turn, fed their szon with their recentl...


#227 Ganturp

Ganturps are a species of relatively large insect found in forests throughout the world. They are brightly-colored and use their wings to...


#218 Sihzzh

A sihzzh is an aquatic creature with a variety of strange habits related to constantly shedding its hardened skin. They usually live in l...


#214 Ithant

Ithants are huge, crab-like creatures that can be found in the forests. The sound of their heavy footsteps is sometimes mistaken for the ...


#208 Marvenken

Marvenkens are sea creatures that prey specifically on sailors and passengers to small- to medium-sized boats. Although they typically dw...


#367 Skalve

The skalve is a creature shrouded in legend and mystery, revered by many as a deity in the desert yet hated by others less favored. Its p...


#340 Skaða

The skaða are an ancient race of corrupted energy, capable of destroying entire planets in the blink of an eye. It is said that skaða los...


#174 Sanguaven

The night ravens with luminous, blood-red eyes in the south are colloquially known as sanguavens, although they've had many names through...


#303 Fenngmoth

Fenngmoths are enormous moths with a wingspan of nearly 250 meters. They are strong enough to carry several tons at a time in their claws...


#177 Luneptera

The luneptera are a rarely-seen race of intelligent humanoid beetle that claim to be related to fairies. Not much is known about lunepter...


#309 Vargon

Vargons are enormous, thick-skinned reptiles that form the natural apex predator in the kingdom of Skulnir. They are visibly descended fr...


#237 Armal phix

Strictly, the armal family of creatures are collectively results of sudden biological mutations on the common house dog after an exposure...


#181 Gigganda

Gigganda are large, mountain-dwelling mammals covered in scales and thick patches of fur, which protect them from both freezing winters a...


#169 Havough

The large havough bird towers above trees, hills, and mountains with its imposing stature. Although havoughs typically fly into outer spa...


#318 Flyx-in-ruck

For the longest time, the flyx-in-ruck didn't have an official name, largely due to the effective camouflage and stealth techniques this ...


#273 Jideoray

Jideorays are a parasitic orange slime common in the warmer oceans that attaches itself to creatures to feed directly on their skin. Smal...


#272 Gwievft

Gwievft are large, aquatic eels that are typically found in underwater mycelium caverns, although they sometimes explore more open waters...


#195 Blatheraxe

Blatheraxes are shapeshifting eels that live in the deepest depths of the ocean. They are able to stretch physical appendages from their ...


#196 Fa'gu'leyth

The monstrous fa'gu'leyth is an extradimensional parasite from an unknown source. Initial tests indicate the fa'gu'leyth is capable of in...


#168 Magmatuna

Magmatuna is a cursed mutation of the freshwater tuna, resulting in a scalding hot internal temperature that is immediately devastating t...


#267 Groxus

The groxus is the largest known insect in the world. They can grow to be 300 feet long and weigh up to 60 tons. Groxuses are nocturnal, f...


#277 Ka'ala'kai

Not much is currently known about the ka'ala'kai. These gigantic, green creatures seem unaffected by life in a vacuum; their systems for ...


#263 Vindsmen

After the devastating CK-295 meteor impact, what little life survived on planet P-192-856B had to radically evolve in order to survive th...


#242 Antwij

Antwij are a race of small angomites that originate from the southern deserts, but have long since migrated to a wider array of biomes af...


#226 Muludar

The muludar is a species of crab that can be found in many areas of the ocean. They have an average length of six to nine inches and an a...


#167 Telusiv

The telusiv is a predatory creature that often lives in the desert, but has been spotted in many other environments. Telusivs have a long...


#189 Stone Gool

Stone gools are incredibly powerful forest creatures with skin made of malleable stone. As they age, they grow additional sets of arms on...


#356 Ashkmagn

There are ten known ashkmagn, and they all reside within the same volcanic cavern, which they are aggressively territorial about. This en...


#151 Zamperk

Zamperk are large, powerful creatures related to ancient dragons, but classified as a modern hydra. They are covered in thick dragon scal...


#132 Aeldatyr

Aeldatyr scales are golden and shiny, and imbued with powerful magic that allows them to create lightning. They grow to be very large, ro...


#120 Cuuyn

A cuuyn is a strange, slow-moving creature that can only survive in areas where the air contains a certain, top-secret compound. A cuuyn'...


#110 Klaxon

Klaxons are large, predatory creatures originally from the planet Xaphon. They are very intelligent and have developed an advanced societ...


#106 Sidjif

The sidjif is a large, snakelike creature that is commonly used as a mount for the orcs and goblins of the world. Their massive bodies ca...


#105 Girflet

Girflets are creatures typically found in the damp undergrowth at the base of forest cliffs. When disturbed, they will race away at high ...


#055 Kurobo

The charming three-legged kurobo walk isn't the only reason they caught the world's eye at their discovery. It's cute, yes, but the real ...


#068 Werespirit

These poor souls thought death would be a sweet release from their lcyanthropic curse. Instead, werespirits go into a ghostly rage every ...


#060 Brugnul

Brugnuls are microscopic parasites that can be found in most environments. They are commonly found in the bodies of other creatures, but ...


#058 Forrest

Forrests are ghostly entities that inhabit jungles and forests. They are largely transclucent and intangible, typically only able to affe...


#048 Dolli Buea

Dolli Buea are large creatures that inhabit the arboral wetlands. While they are generally large in size, they seem to be able to freely ...


#044 Zweifhlaightte

Zweifhlaughttes are colossal slugs from a time long before humans that have an interesting physiological compartmentalization not present...


#043 Volcrano

Every volcano has at least one volcrano maintaining it. They do their best to keep out of sight but volcranos are bulky and slow. Volcano...


#084 Hathawallow

Hathawallows are slow, bulky land walruses that choose to travel among packs of other species, forming symbiotic relationships wherever t...


#040 Menta

Menta tunnel their long, fish-looking tails through the seafloor and bait larger fish into biting it. The menta use a low-level form of m...


#059 Croixstel

Croixstel are large bull-like creatures that produce an incredibly-thick coat of fur, which simultaneously makes most croixstel completel...


#078 Etorg

Etorgs are the living skeletal remains of eternal giants. Although most have grown bored of life and live solitary lives atop mountains o...


#131 Phembluf

Phemblufs are large, blue fish that live in the deeper, frozen parts of the northern oceans. Phemblufs average two to three feet long and...


#066 Stonemaker

Stonemakers inhabit deserts, fields, and mountains. They feed largely off rock and stone, always migrating to find new flavors and consis...


#201 Jigbat

Jigbats are large insects that resemble blue bats. They can be found throughout the world's forests and feed on insects, small birds, and...


#020 Starbug

Fully-grown starbugs make up the majority of visible lights in the night sky with their planet-sized bodies, but baby starbugs hatch and ...


#005 Thabu

Thabus are hulking creatures of ancient history that have survived over time by melding with mountains and hibernating. They awake every ...


#011 Ssene

Ssenes are strange, shapeshifting creatures that configure parts of their body to mimic specific features of any creatures they see, rath...


#019 Braggen

Braggens are large, blue birds that are known for their ability to fly extremely fast. They are very difficult to catch and can be found ...


#102 Alale

The alale is a muscular creature the size of a human that lives in swamps and marshes. They are very territorial and will use their abili...


#007 Merm

Merms live in small groups, typically in the deepest reaches of the western oceans. They seem closely related to a potential aquatic fork...


#010 Vruntyk

Vruntyks are an ancient race of reptile that lived underground in caves for millennia before emerging and finding refuge in deserts and m...


#008 Zoupir

Zoupir are small, insect-like pigs that travel underground, in packs. They feed primarily off dirt and roots, sucking nutrients from crop...


#190 Mimcree

Originally from the far east, mimcrees have been domesticated and controlled by the government for centuries due to their unique ability ...


#004 Avahi

Not much is known about where avahis originated, but they migrate in large packs extremely quickly, typically along water-adjacent routes...