
59 degrees and hazy

Biome Modifiers

Healing properties

Something about this biome leaves all a little healthier than when they entered.

Scarce wildlife

Wildlife is scarce in this biome.


Many creatures in this biome are mutated in strange ways.

Creatures found in the Inur Coast


#216 Zelorgbia

Zelorgbian creatures are relatively simple jellyfish-related invertibrates that live on the edges of the ocean. Zelorgbians come on shore to bask in the sunlight and to lay their eggs. However, they can't move on land and risk dehydration if they're beached, so they choose to ...

#216 Zelorgbia


#098 Amber

Ambers are the bane of a sailor's life and have driven many towns inland, away from the waters. After emerging from most sandy shorelines at night, they sit quietly upon rocks, physically reflecting picturesque faces from your most haunting memories.

#098 Amber


#016 Xylach

Xylaches are sprawling reptilian creatures that tend to migrate toward popular human beaches to feed off the trash and food left behind. Although one xylach could easily match twenty or more people in power, they largely remain docile and, at most, loudly grunt towards beach-g...

#016 Xylach


#091 Mouma

Mouma often live among jellyfish herds, but are more closely related to goldfish. Their bright, red coloring is a deterrent to most aquatic predators, although they're squishy and delicious. Mouma are a common pet for schoolchildren because of the expressive, silly faces they ...

#091 Mouma


#171 Horsnau

These radioactive snails descend from the common snail but have mutated to grow branching, interconnected shells around long, eel-like bodies. Horsnaus typically live 20-25 years and then die in their shell, which is often too intricate to be reused by another horsnau. While a...

#171 Horsnau