#360 Jadyx

Jadyx are large, flightless birds whose metallic scales shimmer brightly in the moonlight, giving them a truly mesmerizing appearance. They are native to the dense, humid rainforests of the far south, where they can often be found foraging for fruit and small insects among the lush vegetation.

Despite their impressive size, Jadyx are generally quite docile and peaceful creatures, preferring to avoid conflict whenever possible. However, they are fiercely protective of their young and will not hesitate to defend them if they feel threatened.

In terms of ecology, Jadyx play a vital role in their ecosystem as seed dispersers, spreading the seeds of the fruit they eat throughout the rainforest. They are also an important food source for larger predatory animals, such as jaguars and pumas. Overall, the Jadyx are a vital part of the delicate balance of life in the southern rainforests.

Release Date December 22, 2022
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