#362 Fjasdijh

Fjasdijh are slender cat-like creatures who dwell deep in caves and reproduce quickly, sometimes giving birth to litters of up to ten offspring at a time. They are nocturnal, spending their days sleeping in underground burrows and emerging at night to hunt for insects and small rodents which they drag back to their cave. Their fur is thick and dark, providing excellent camouflage.

Fjasdijh are known for their sharp claws and teeth, which they use to catch and kill their prey. They are also agile climbers and can scale the walls and ceilings of caves with ease. In addition to their hunting skills, Fjasdijh are skilled at digging and have been known to create intricate tunnel systems within the caves they've inhabited.

Despite their fearsome appearance and predatory habits, Fjasdijh are social creatures and live in large groups called prides. Within these prides, the Fjasdijh have a complex system of communication and cooperation, with each member playing a specific role in the group's activities.

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Release Date December 24, 2022
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