#320 Blithodurc

Blithodurcs are strange creatures also known as the "silent ones." They have no mouths and instead subsist on a diet of ambient radiation and sunlight. They are about the size of a pea and are made of twisted and fused boneshards of many different animals. They move incredibly slowly and quietly and will often spend days just stretching, observing the people and other creatures of their environs. It is possible for a blithodurc to form a close bond with a sentient life form and become deeply attached to them; however, these relationships are usually short-lived, as the blithodurc will eventually become enamored with another person, who will then become the center of their attention. If a blithodurc is deeply saddened by the loss of their friend, they will sometimes stop moving and die within a few days.

Release Date November 12, 2022
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