#020 Starbug

Fully-grown starbugs make up the majority of visible lights in the night sky with their planet-sized bodies, but baby starbugs hatch and spend most of their pre-celestial life on abandoned planets until they learn to fly well enough to pierce gravity wells.

When their eggs are laid in space, they are made of one of the strongest materials known to man. They drift endlessly, often for centuries, until they find a planet with sufficient gravitational pull to draw them into its atmosphere. The meteoric impact is what cracks the shell and releases a newborn starbug.

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Release Date January 16, 2022
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PUBLISHED February 2, 2022

The Birth of a Starbug by Andrew

The starbug egg had floated through galaxies for millennia, waiting for the right planet to catch it in a strong enough gravitational pull to bring the celestial larva down to its surface. The planet — unknown, uninhabited, and unnamed —...

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