The joprao is a flying, amphibious creature which grows to be about four meters in length. It makes its nest in the long grasses of the savanna, where it lays and incubates its eggs. In order to attract mates and protect its territory, the joprao will create long, brightly colored ribbons of hair, which it attaches to its back and chest. When a male joprao is attempting to win a female, it will flap its wings to produce a high-pitched clicking sound at a unique frequency which only their mate will hear. Although few jopraos can hear each other, they can all be heard by humans; as such, joprao mating season is enough to force almost everyone in the area away for weeks at a time.
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"Is everything in the car?" My dad calls from the front door. His glasses are low on his nose, making the bags under his eyes look even larger. He's wearing a burnt orange vest over a black t-shirt with khaki cargo shorts in true dad fas...
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